Drink packages are the most purchased extras for cruise trips. Many people find them convenient, while others avoid them, thinking they’re a rip-off.
In fact, neither is necessarily true. I’ve already explained to you that the drink package is not always the best choice for everyone, but it can be a real lifesaver for some passengers.
However, it’s important to know a few crucial things before buying any type of drink package. We’ll go through some of the most important ones, be sure to read them carefully.
1. They are expensive
The first thing to consider is that drink packages are often expensive because they include unlimited drinks.
Cruise lines need to make sure they don’t go into a loss, so they set a high price that requires you to drink several drinks to benefit from them.
That is why you need to carefully evaluate whether a drink package is really worth it for you.
Don’t forget that you may drink more than usual on a cruise, especially when it is very hot, like during Caribbean cruises.
2. Can’t be shared
I’m always surprised when someone tells me that they didn’t know that beverage packages cannot be shared with other people.
This seems pretty obvious to me, it’s an all-you-can-drink package and it would be impossible to make it shareable. Otherwise, one person could just pay for it and then let everyone traveling with them drink.
In addition, avoid trying to work around this rule. In the article on how to cheat with drink packages, I explained to you that there are methods to do it. However, they are always risky and if you get caught they might cancel your package without giving you a refund.
3. Think about your health
I know I’m not your mom, but I have to remind you that excessive drinking is bad for your health.
If you buy a beverage package you may be inclined to drink more than usual and it may have a negative effect on your vacation.
Avoid the drink package especially if you have conditions that affect your liver or for which you have been advised to limit alcohol consumption.
4. Some drinks may be excluded
Some people may think that the beverage package includes all drinks on the ship but this is not always the case.
Most cruise lines have different types of packages: for non-alcoholic drinks, for basic drinks, all the way up to packages for fine wines and spirits.
Before buying always check the terms and conditions of the package and double-check the included drinks.
BONUS TIP: Most drink packages don’t cover the drinks in the minibar in your cabin.
5. Consider the free drinks
Not everyone needs to purchase a beverage package on a cruise.
Contrary to what many people think some drinks are completely free on the ship and you can take advantage of them without having to spend extra money.
If you don’t know all of them, I recommend you look at the list of the drinks that are always free on cruise ships.
You might also get some free cocktails if you attend some special events, have a look at how you can get a free drink on a cruise.
6. If you drink too much you could do stupid things
We all do stupid things if we drink too much, the problem is where we do them.
If you are at home you can do whatever you want, however, if you are on a ship in the middle of the ocean things might be different.
Over the years there have been several news cases of passengers falling overboard because they were drunk and unfortunately many of them are never found.
Additionally, if you get drunk and cause damage or disturb other passengers, you could be disembarked. To avoid it, remember to read the 7 reasons why you can get banned from a cruise.
7. You already have benefits
In some cases, you may already be entitled to drink packages but you probably don’t know it.
To avoid spending extra money check that the package is not already included in your traveler status or in case you are traveling in a suite.
You can find all the money-wasting mistakes for cruises by clicking here.
I have tried several of them but these are the most durable and sturdy.