The 7 Dirtiest Things Hiding in Your Cruise Cabin

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The first thing we do when we hop on a cruise is mainly go into our cabins, make sure all our bags are there, and then start our exploration of the ship. 

However, you should take a closer look to your room. Your cruise cabin may look like it’s clean and tidy, but don’t let that fresh linen scent fool you!

So many things in your room, sometimes the most unsuspecting ones, can hold colonies of bacteria and dirt. This isn’t about paranoia; it’s about knowing where the filth hides so you can outsmart it! 

So, before you kick back and relax, take a closer look at the 7 filthiest things hiding in your cruise cabin and what to do about them.

1. The Remote 

TV in a cruise cabin
TV in a cruise cabin

I think everyone knows this, there are plenty of articles out there saying that remote controls are among the dirtiest things you’ll find in hotel rooms and cruise ship cabins.

Remember that it could be the remote for the TV but also for the curtains, the sound system, or other appliances in the room. All of them have a common characteristic: everybody has to use it. 

Now we must ask: How many people touched it before you? How often do you think cruise staff thoroughly disinfect it? 

The truth is that remote controls are hardly ever cleaned. Partly because they’re electronic devices, so there’s a risk of damaging them, but also because dirt isn’t usually visible on them.

2. The Hairdryer

Hairdryer on Holland America
Hairdryer on Holland America

While some passenger like to air dry their hair (especially if there’s sun on the balcony), most don’t like the wet feeling and immediately use the hairdryer

This means sweaty, product-covered fingers touched the hair dryer. Moreover, the filter on the back of the dryer is a completely different issue.

The little mesh covering the back on old ship it’s likely clogged with a mix of dust, lint, hair from passengers past.

In this case, too, give it a wipe with a disinfecting wipe. And if you’re on a longer cruise, check the external filter. If it’s too clogged, give it a quick clean or ask the cabin steward a new one.

Remember, your cabin steward can bring you 10 things for free on a cruise.

3. The Carpet

Carpet in a cruise cabin
Carpet in a cruise cabin

It’s natural to assume that the cabin crew uses the vacuum daily to clean everything on the floors.

However, that little vacuum does little to deep clean. It can remove whatever is on the surface, but anything hiding below or soaked into the carpet won’t come up.

And, of course, they don’t deep-clean the carpets after each use. For this reason, it’s better to wear socks, shoes, or slippers at all times.

Remember, slippers are usually only available in suites, so you’ll need to bring your own. To make sure you don’t forget anything, check the list of 43 things everyone forgets to pack for a cruise.

4. Light Switches

Light switches
Light switches

If there isn’t a remote controller for the light, then you have light switches. Of course, to turn on or off the light, you need to flick them.

However, so does everyone else who’s ever stayed in your room. And, yet, light switches are one of the most commonly overlooked cleaning spots.

I’m sure you probably don’t clean them that often at home either, yet they’re among the things we touch the most throughout the day.

They’re small, blend into the walls, and don’t look dirty, and that’s why they’re so sneaky!

The worst part? Most people touch the light switch right after using the bathroom.

5. Kettle and Coffee Maker

Kettle on Royal Caribbean
Kettle on Royal Caribbean

I think I’ve mentioned this in another article before. If you’re on vacation (in a hotel or on a cruise), avoid using the kettle and coffee machine you find in the room.

Unfortunately, most people think it’s not that dirty. After all, we only add water to it or coffee. 

That’s not exactly how it works. The warm, damp environment creates the perfect breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and mineral buildup. 

The other problem is that the internal parts are very difficult to clean, and cabin stewards often don’t even have the skills to do it properly.

6. Balcony Railing 

Balcony and railing
Balcony and railing

If you have a balcony cabin, be also mindful of certain exterior areas, like the railing.

Since it’s outside, no one is thinking about how much cleaning it needs. Maybe a wipe here and there, but it doesn’t get the same attention as inside the room. 

On top of that, cruise ship railings are often used by seagulls to perch, and unfortunately, they also leave their droppings there.

That’s exactly why feeding seagulls on a cruise is prohibited. They’re notorious for making a mess on the ship!

Before you leave, make sure to check the list of things that are prohibited on cruises.

7. The Room’s Curtains

Cabin on cruise prepared for sleeping
Cabin with closed curtains

Unfortunately, curtains are one of the biggest dust collectors, which can be a real problem, especially if you have allergies.

They don’t get wiped down like surfaces. They don’t get swapped out like linens. They absolutely soak everything up: dust, sweat, humidity, and even airborne germs. 

Obviously, you can’t wash them, but the best thing you can do is leave them as undisturbed as possible. If you need to open or close them, move them slowly and avoid shaking them to keep dust from spreading around the cabin.

In addition, remember that you can do these 8 things to make your cruise cabin instantly more comfortable and that even the small bathroom can be transformed. You just have to follow these 10 bathroom hacks for your cruise ship cabin.

Cruise Approved Power Strip

Essential if you have several electronic devices to charge!

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Cruise Chair Towel Bands

Essential for beach, pool, and chairs on ships.

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Cruise Lanyard for Ship Cards (with ID Holder)

I have tried several of them but these are the most durable and sturdy.

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