You know how much I love cruises; if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have started a blog dedicated to this amazing way of traveling.
However, like with everything else, even cruises have their downsides.
One of the biggest for me is how easily people seem to get sick on board. It’s no surprise really: lots of people in a small enclosed space, and colds and viruses will have found their ideal place.
In recent years I’ve been following some tricks to avoid getting sick. I must say that since following them, I’ve been cruising with much more peace of mind and fewer illnesses. So, I’m excited to share these tips with you, hoping they help keep you healthy during your vacations!
1. Hand Washing is Crucial
I know it may sound trivial, but one of the most important things you need to do is to wash your hands often.
When you travel you touch many different things: money, objects, door handles, elevator buttons…these things are touched thousands of times every single day.
As soon as you can, or at least before eating, wash your hands with soap and plenty of water.
On many cruise ships, you will find sinks right at the buffet entrance, it can’t be easier than that!
2. Use Hand Sanitizer
While hand washing is best, if you are on an excursion or do not have water available you can use hand sanitizers.
They are a good solution to kill germs from your hands and they are really easy to use.
On cruise ships, you can usually find many dispensers, especially at the entrance of dining areas.
However, I recommend that you also carry a small bottle with you at all times, you can put it in your bag but there are also small bottles that can be attached to backpacks. Unfortunately, they’re among the 43 things people always forget to pack for a cruise.
3. Choose Healthier Food Options
I love to eat on a cruise, and just like me, I think many passengers like to try many different kinds of food.
However, sometimes try to pick healthier options that can still be very good. Don’t forget that you should eat fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
In addition, on a cruise ship, it can be easy to overeat, especially at the buffet. Follow the 10 things you must never do at the buffet on a cruise.
4. Stay Hydrated
Always drink plenty of water throughout your cruise to avoid dehydration. I recommend bringing a small reusable water bottle, especially for cruises in very hot places like the Caribbean.
Not everyone knows this but on many ships, some drinks are completely free. You can find the full list by clicking here.
5. Stay Active
You go on a cruise to relax, I know. However, our physique needs to stay active and get some daily exercise.
It doesn’t mean you have to go to the ship’s gym, jogging track, or group fitness classes, even though they are among the free things you must take advantage of on a cruise.
Even small things can make a difference like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or following some of the tips to avoid gaining too much weight on a cruise.
6. Get Enough Sleep
Another important thing to be energetic during the day and enjoy the trip to the fullest is to sleep well at night.
This may not be an easy thing, especially as you change the mattress and pillow you are used to sleeping on.
Some things can help such as not eating too much late at night and always going to bed at the same time. For some specific tips on sleeping, you can check the guide on how you can sleep like a baby on a cruise.
7. Wear Sunscreen
If your itinerary includes sunny locations remember that sunscreen is essential.
Put it on right away in the morning whether you decide to go to the pool or get off the ship to explore the city.
In addition, it would be better to have a hat to shield your head from the sun. It’s one of the things you must never forget to pack for the Caribbean.
8. Limit Alcohol Consumption
Many cruise lines offer packages with unlimited drinks. It can be tempting, and you probably want to make the most of it but try not to overindulge in alcohol.
First, it is not good for your health; excessive alcohol consumption can weaken your immune system.
Second, If you get drunk and cause trouble onboard or disturb other passengers, you could be banned and removed at the next port.
9. Sea Sickness Prevention
If you’re prone to motion sickness, prepare in advance for all eventualities. I recommend that you seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist.
Usually, the most commonly used remedies are anti-nausea medication and acupressure bands.
It’s important to bring remedies from home because medical care on board is very expensive. We’ve already talked about one passenger who knows this well, as she received a huge bill for simple seasickness.
10. Be Mindful of Crowds
The last piece of advice is to always avoid crowds or enclosed places where many people are concentrated.
You should try to maintain distance in crowded areas, and avoid touching your face after being in crowded public spaces.
If you can, only stop in well-ventilated areas or the outdoor spaces of the ship.
BONUS TIP: Finger protectors and face masks
Some passengers have asked me if it is necessary to wear masks or finger covers on a cruise.
If you don’t know, finger covers are protections that some people wear to touch things that everyone touches such as elevator buttons.
As you can imagine, in this case, it is something that I consider to be excessive.
In general, washing hands often is sufficient to avoid most problems. Of course, if you want to be extra careful you are free to do so.
I have tried several of them but these are the most durable and sturdy.