10 Things Cruise Ship Workers Hate to See From Passengers

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On every cruise I’ve been on, the crew members have always been friendly and helpful; it’s their job, after all.

But passengers have a responsibility too. Showing respect for the crew and behaving appropriately on board is just as important.

Unfortunately, some cruisers don’t always get it right. There are certain things passengers do that crew members can’t stand.

In this article, I’ve rounded up 10 behaviors you should absolutely avoid.

1. Entering the cabin when it is not yet ready

cruise ship cabin and things not to bring
Cruise ship cabin

On days when there are many embarkations, cabin stewards have to clean a large number of cabins.

Therefore, if you get on the ship early, your cabin may not be ready.

If there is still someone cleaning it, try not to get in their way.
Simply leave your backpacks and go for a walk to explore the ship.

When you come back you will have plenty of time to unpack and sort out all your things.

2. Flushing things down the toilet

cruise toilet
Toilet on a cruise

The toilet on a cruise works completely differently than in our homes.

If you have been on a ship before, you may have noticed that the flush works by suction.

Therefore, you should not flush anything down the toilet except the toilet paper that is provided by the cruise line.

Don’t throw anything else, not even tissues. I assure you that a blocked drain on cruises is a big problem and requires several people to fix it.

3. Flirting with crew members

Cruise lines have very strict rules regarding romantic approaches on cruises.

Crew members cannot, under any circumstances, filter with passengers and cannot accept advances from them.

It’s very easy to get fired for these things, so avoid putting workers at risk with these behaviors, even if you do it as a joke.

4. Failure to comply with the emergency drill

lifejacket on a cruise
Lifejacket on a cruise

Emergency drills are mandatory for all cruise ship passengers.

Therefore, when you board, you must complete the drill, or you will receive a notice in your cabin.

To avoid staff coming after you, complete the drill as soon as possible so that you are free to enjoy your vacation.

5. Asking inappropriate things

You’ll likely have the chance to chat with crew members during your cruise. While many enjoy talking to guests, it’s best to keep the conversation respectful and not too personal.

For example, avoid asking them about their salary or their private life.
You can talk about their experience on cruise ships and get their recommendations on the best things to see during your itinerary.

6. Leaving the cabin too messy

messy cabin

Cabin attendants are paid to tidy up and clean your cabin.

However, this doesn’t mean that you have to leave your cabin very messy or dirty.

As you can see in the photo above, some people left quite a mess: clothes on the floor and items everywhere. When a cabin is that messy, it’s nearly impossible for the attendant to clean it properly. A little consideration goes a long way!

7. Asking to cheat with drink packages

drinks at the bar of the cruise
Drinks at the bar on a cruise

The other rules that cruise lines are very strict about are those regarding drink packages.

According to the terms and conditions, unlimited drink packages are strictly personal and cannot be shared.

So don’t ask the bartender for extra cocktails to pass to someone else. Not only is this against the rules, but it also puts the crew in a tough spot as they’re required to monitor for this kind of behavior.

Instead, you can enjoy one of the 10 drinks that are always free on a cruise.

8. Complaining about things out of their control

Pool deck on Norwegian Pearl
Pool deck on Norwegian Pearl

Unexpected events on a trip can always happen.

For example, during a cruise, a port of call can be canceled if the weather is bad and strong winds prevent the ship from docking.

In these cases, it is useless to blame the crew since these are things beyond their control. Instead, look for alternative activities to do. Just think that you can do over 50 different things on a cruise ship!

9. Addressing staff in a rude manner

Similarly, even if you have to make a complaint, remember always to make it politely.

You can go to the customer service desk and see what solutions they can offer you.

If you are still unhappy with the treatment after the cruise, you can always send a formal complaint to the cruise line by email or written letter.

10. Failure to abide by the ship’s rules

pool deck on ncl

Modern cruise ships carry thousands of people, so clear rules are essential to keep everything running smoothly.

Before you set sail, take some time to familiarize yourself with your cruise line’s policies and follow them.

If a crew member calls you out for breaking a rule, don’t take it personally. They’re just doing their job to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone on board.

Remember that there are a few things that can permanently ban you from a cruise ship.

Cruise Approved Power Strip

Essential if you have several electronic devices to charge!

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Cruise Chair Towel Bands

Essential for beach, pool, and chairs on ships.

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Cruise Lanyard for Ship Cards (with ID Holder)

I have tried several of them but these are the most durable and sturdy.

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