Ports and airports are the places from which most people depart to go on vacation.
Sometimes, these places can be very crowded, full of stressed people rushing from one side to the other.
To have a better experience, there are some things that it would be best not to do. In this article, we will explore 10 of them that will definitely make your vacation more relaxing and organized.
1. Don’t Leave Your Luggage Unattended
The first thing you should never do in an airport or port is to leave luggage unattended.
Consider that these places have very strict security policies, and even a single bag left unattended can be seen as a security risk to all passengers.
Security personnel may remove your luggage and detain it for investigation, something that can lead to wasting a lot of time for both you and them.
Several countries impose fines for those who leave luggage unattended to reduce the number of suspicious unattended baggage and false alarms.
2. Don’t Try to Outsmart Security
Another thing you should not do, still related to security, is to try to outsmart security checks.
Consider that modern security measures are quite complex, and attempting to bypass or outwit them is not only futile but can lead to serious consequences.
Security protocols are in place for everyone’s safety so don’t try to sneak prohibited items and always comply with basic instructions.
If you are not sure what you can’t bring check the 10 items that are always confiscated when boarding and the list of things you can bring on a plane but not a cruise ship.
3. Don’t Forget to Charge Your Phone
Your smartphone is essential while traveling, so remember to charge it before you leave and always have it charged whenever possible.
Nowadays, we no longer use it just for calls. Many people have digital boarding passes, saved itineraries, and different to stay informed on travel status.
A good thing to consider might be an external battery that can charge your cell phone in an emergency.
Not surprisingly, it is included in the list of essentials to have in your suitcase.
4. Don’t Overshare on Social Media
Many people don’t realize it, but sharing your travel plans on social media exposes you to several risks.
For example, since people know you’re away, you could experience theft at home.
In addition, you have to be very careful not to share sensitive information such as reservation codes, document numbers, bar codes, or QR codes.
A short while ago we talked about the woman who lost thousands after sharing a photo of her reservation online.
5. Don’t Hold Up the Security Line
When you are about to approach the security checkpoints remember to prepare in advance so that you do not block the line.
For example, you usually have to throw away the water bottle that cannot be brought on board, you have to take the computer out of the suitcase, and you have to prepare your ticket and passport.
The smoother the process for everyone, the less stressful the experience will be.
6. Don’t Drink Excessively
I know sometimes the wait can be long but remember not to drink too much before boarding.
Consider that many companies, both airlines and cruise lines, deny boarding to people who appear drunk.
Also, in case you have disruptive behavior on board, they can ban you for life. Consider that and also consider that there are 7 other reasons why you can get permanently banned.
7. Don’t Sleep Unless It’s Absolutely Necessary
It can be tempting to sleep while you wait, and that’s not always a bad idea.
However, consider that you might miss important announcements or even your boarding.
If you really need to sleep remember to set several alarms on your phone and beware of theft.
If you can, only sleep in secure and less busy areas like airports and ports lounges.
8. Don’t Show Up Late
Being on time on the day of your departure for your trip is essential.
Consider that you should generally estimate 2 to 3 hours in advance, depending on how crowded the departure area will be.
Obviously, if you travel during a peak period you need to arrive earlier than during a low season. When making these evaluations, also keep in mind traffic and distance from your home.
9. Don’t Forget Why You’re There
Airports and ports can be full of distractions, from duty-free shopping to restaurants and bars.
Remember why you are there and always keep an eye on the clock.
Many people prefer to check in, drop off their luggage, and go through security right away. After that, they can relax knowing that they have already done the things that take the most time.
10. Don’t Argue with Staff or Other Passengers
The last thing you should never do is to argue with staff and other passengers.
I know that these situations can be stressful, especially when it is very crowded and the lines get long, but try to keep calm.
Arguing can ruin everyone’s experience and can cause long delays. In cases of serious fights, security might also intervene and detain you, causing you to miss your departure.
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