8 Worst Cabin Locations on Any Cruise Ship

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I’ve been cruising for over a decade and have experienced both the highs and lows of cabin locations.

I’m here to share what I’ve learned so you can avoid the mistakes I’ve made and enjoy a stress-free vacation.

Here are the 8 worst locations on any cruise ship that you should steer clear of!

1. Below the Pool Deck 

Crowded pool deck
Crowded pool deck

Cabins below the pool deck—AKA the lido deck—are some of the worst cabin locations you can book

The pool deck is typically one of the busiest areas on a cruise ship, serving as the central hub for entertainment and social activities. It’s constantly buzzing with people dancing to music, swimming, sunbathing, or enjoying the nearby buffet

With the cabin being beneath the lido deck, you won’t escape the constant noise of running, scraping of chairs, chatting, and (I know something about it) even jumping.

This can happen till 2 am or even later during special events or theme nights.

To make matters worse, the crew often starts cleaning and preparing the pool deck in the early morning for a whole day of activity. With all that noise, you can usually kiss your beauty sleep goodbye!

2. Over or Under the Casino 

Cruise casino
Cruise casino

Casinos deliberately attract customers with their noisy slot machines, music, and the promise of endless drinks and lively atmosphere to encourage gambling.

Employees are also there to keep guests entertained and engaged throughout the night.

I think it’s obvious: the longer they stay, the more money they’ll spend—and the longer you won’t get a quiet night in the cabin you’re staying in.

So unless you’re used to sleeping to the sounds of Las Vegas’s hustle and bustle, you best avoid this room. 

3. Near Elevators and Stairways 

Stairs of a cruise
Cruise ship stairs

While not as disruptive as cabins near major public areas, cabins located near elevators and stairways can still experience unwanted noise

Constant foot traffic, conversations between passengers, and the recurring “ding” of the elevator can become irritating, especially during peak hours. 

In contrast, a cabin near the elevators and stairs is convenient to avoid walking too much on the ship (which is usually already quite large).

I think I’ve already mentioned this in another article: the best solution is to choose a cabin that is neither too far nor too close to the elevators. A middle ground is perfect!

4. Over or Under Nightclubs and Late-night Restaurants

Nightclub on Carnival Conquest
Nightclub on Carnival Conquest

With music pumping out of high-res speakers and people dancing and jumping all night long, cabins under or over nightclubs tend to be the noisiest cabins on the ship.

Nightclubs go well into the night, and there’s little you can do but wait until it closes to get that deserved night’s rest. So unless you don’t mind sleeping during the afternoon, you’re better off booking a different room

The same is said with restaurants that are open till late. Though they aren’t as noisy as nightclubs, you’ll still hear the constant footsteps of customers and staff moving back and forth, along with the occasional clatter of dishes or chatter.  

5. Cabins Near the Ship’s Anchor 

Cruise anchor
Cruise anchor

Modern cruise ships primarily rely on dynamic positioning systems or mooring at ports instead of anchoring, but there are still many cruises that use traditional anchoring methods.

The anchor’s location isn’t typically marked on deck plans; it’s generally situated on the lower decks near the ship’s bow. It’s lowered once or twice depending on the itinerary, and it’s usually an extremely noisy affair

Luckily, it doesn’t take more than five minutes, and you can go on about your day, so it’s not so bad.

Still, that sort of disturbance can be pretty annoying, especially if you hear the noise early in the morning.

I don’t know about you, but I believe that when you’re paying full price for a cabin, you deserve a peaceful environment to unwind in.

6. Forward Cabins if You Don’t Like Roller Coasters

forward facing balcony room on carnival
Forward balcony cabin on Carnival

One of the questions I get asked the most is which cabins to avoid if you suffer from seasickness.

The answer is very simple: you must absolutely avoid forward cabins.

It’s a simple matter of physics. The bow of the ship rises and falls with the waves more dramatically than in other areas, so the up-and-down movement is amplified.

The forward section of the ship is the first to hit the waves, which creates more abrupt and noticeable movements.

7. Above Mechanical Equipment and Engine Room

Engine control room
Engine control room

Needless to say, cruise ships operate on heavy machinery.

The location of the equipment isn’t marked on the deck plan for safety reasons. As such, it’s always a good idea to contact the cruise line directly and request a cabin away from these areas to avoid unwanted noise and vibrations.  

What I have learned over the years is that most of the noise and vibration in entering and leaving the ports is caused by thrusters.

maneuvering thruster
Maneuvering thrusters

They are transversal propulsion devices built into or mounted to either the bow or stern, quite small but very powerful and used to maneuver the ship more easily.

To avoid them, it would be better to choose cabins located in the middle of the ship, neither too far forward nor too far aft.

In addition, check the tips for sleeping well on a cruise ship.

8. Balcony With Obstructed Views 

Balcony with obstructed view
Balcony with obstructed View

Booking a cabin with a balcony is great…except when it’s located near machinery or a lifeboat that obstructs the view.

Cabins with obstructed views are priced a bit cheaper than those with clear vistas, so if the view isn’t a priority for you, it may not be a problem. 

However, if you plan to spend a lot of time relaxing on the balcony, watching sunsets and sunrises, spending a little extra for an unobstructed view can be a worthwhile investment for a more enjoyable vacation.

Cabins with obstructed views are marked on the ship plan, so you’d best avoid locations with asterisks or symbols indicating these rooms.

To be on the safe side, I recommend checking out the specific articles about cabins to avoid on Royal Caribbean and cabins to avoid on Carnival.

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