Do Cruise Ships Dump Their Waste Into the Ocean?
By Leo
We usually see cruise ships as dream places where everything works perfectly and everything is perfectly clean. However, the reality is quite different. Big cruise ...
By Leo
We usually see cruise ships as dream places where everything works perfectly and everything is perfectly clean. However, the reality is quite different. Big cruise ...
By Leo
Booking is one of the key parts of a cruise trip. You have to choose the cruise line, itinerary, ship, cabin type, and any extras ...
By Leo
As a cruise expert, I’ve seen the highs and lows of cruising. Some people believe that all cruises are similar, but that’s absolutely not true. ...
By Leo
Swimming pools are among the most popular attractions on cruise ships. Everyone loves to go there: children and older people. However, before you wear your ...
By Leo
The last time I was on a cruise, I passed by a desk that said “confiscated items”. I had never seen it before, and it ...
By Leo
Many people love cruises, as we can see from the constantly growing number of passengers. But some people love them so much that they want ...
By Leo
Dealing with chair hogs on a cruise ship can be frustrating. It looks like it’s an international thing, I’ve seen them everywhere: in the US, ...
By Leo
Before going on a cruise, you have to pass some pretty strict security checks. In some ways, the screening is very similar to what happens ...
By Leo
Have you noticed that, in recent years, all cruise lines are building increasingly larger ships? The reasons for this change are quite obvious. Large cruise ...
By Leo
It’s not always easy to sleep well, especially when you’re away from home and not sleeping in your own bed. When you go on vacation, ...