7 Cruise Outfits You Must Always Pack No Matter the Itinerary

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Cruises offer a unique travel experience compared to traditional trips. There are different moments (when you stay on the ship and when you go on excursions) and different atmospheres that can be more or less formal.

For this reason, packing for a cruise is not an easy thing to do. You need to carefully prepare all your outfits and bring clothes that are suitable for every occasion.

To make this easier for you, I’ve put together a list of 7 must-have cruise outfits that should always be in your suitcase, no matter the itinerary.

Outfits for the day on the ship

Outfit for the day

First, plan some outfits for when you will be on the ship.
Opt for a simple and comfortable type of clothing that allows you to move freely. During the day on a cruise, there’s no need to dress fancy.

For example, jeans, T-shirts, cardigans, skirts and sneakers will be perfect. The only thing to watch out for is sudden changes in temperature and air conditioning.

If you often go from outside to inside areas, you might experience a significant temperature difference.

So remember to bring something to cover yourself in case you need it, such as a jacket or a scarf.

Outfits for the pool/beach

Cruise pool outfit
Cruise pool outfit

Then you should think about organizing everything you need to go to the pool or the beach.

I generally recommend two swimsuits, so you always have a spare if one is wet or gets ruined.

Remember also to bring a pair of flip-flops and a pair of rock shoes.

In addition, pack something to cover your swimsuit. Usually, at buffets and restaurants, you cannot go only in a bathing suit, so you have to cover yourself with a cover-up, a dress, or shorts and a T-shirt.

Outfits for excursions

When you get off the ship you will have to walk a lot so bring comfortable and breathable clothes.

For example, bring sweatpants, or a loose comfy T-shirt and stretchy pants, but nothing too tight.

In this case, the thing you need to be most careful about is socks and shoes.

Both must be of good quality and must not be new. You must already have worn them so that they are comfortable and have already taken the shape of your foot.

Outfits for sports

gym on norwegian epic
Gym on NCL

I know that not everyone feels like going to the gym when on a cruise, but if you don’t want to give up sports, remember to bring appropriate sportswear.

You’ll wear it to the gym, to use the jogging tracks, or while playing basketball or soccer on one of the many sports fields on the ships.

Outfits for casual or smart nights

Long dress on a cruise
Long dress on a cruise

Let’s now move to the evening on the cruise. Usually, once you get back on the ship after an excursion you wash up, change, and get ready to go to dinner.

Most evenings during the cruise will be casual or smart casual. This doesn’t mean you have to wear shorts and a tank top. Aim for sophisticated and appropriate attire.

You can usually wear casual dresses, skirts or trousers and blouses, polo shirts.

Outfits for elegant nights

Elegant outfit on a cruise
Elegant outfit on a cruise

An elegant dress code may be required for some nights (depending on the length of the cruise).

There usually will be:

  • 1 formal night for cruises that last between 3 and 5 nights.
  • 2 formal nights for cruises that last between 6 and 10 nights.
  • 3 or more formal nights for cruises that last more than 11 nights.

In this case, you should opt for a black-tie look. Men can wear suits and ties or tuxedos, while women can wear cocktail dresses or evening gowns.

In recent years, I’ve noticed that fewer and fewer people dress really elegantly for these nights.

If you don’t want to dress very fancy there is no problem, but still try to maintain a certain degree of style and sophistication.

Outfits for theme nights

white night outfit on a cuirse
White night outfit

I don’t know if you are aware of this, but on some cruise lines, there may also be theme nights.

These nights have a themed dress code that is related to the type of party organized by the entertainment team.

I recommend that you check what theme nights are planned for your cruise before departure so you can bring the appropriate clothes.

Below you will find the list for the most popular cruise lines:

To sum up

As you have seen, on a cruise you need many different outfits. My advice is to start packing well in advance.

This will give you a chance to research the various looks and figure out what is best to bring and what is best to leave at home.

However, the last thing I want to say is not to overpack your suitcase. You will always find plenty of stores in the ports of call, and you can go shopping if you really need something.

Cruise Approved Power Strip

Essential if you have several electronic devices to charge!

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Cruise Chair Towel Bands

Essential for beach, pool, and chairs on ships.

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Cruise Lanyard for Ship Cards (with ID Holder)

I have tried several of them but these are the most durable and sturdy.

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