10 Things You Must Do As You Enter Your Cruise Cabin

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Embarkation day on a cruise is always tricky. You have to get to the port, check-in, drop off your bags, find your cabin, and then there’s the best part: opening the door to see where you’ll be staying for the next few days.

However, when you enter the cabin, there are still a few things to do and organize.

My advice? Get them done right away. That way, you can settle in quickly and start enjoying your cruise without any hassle.

1. Check if your bags have arrived

Suitcases in the corridor of a cruise ship

The first thing to do as soon as you arrive in the room is to check whether your bags have arrived.

Depending on the cruise line, you may find them inside the room or right outside the door.

If you don’t see them, remember to look around any corners or inside the closet; sometimes, they’re tucked away to keep the space clear.

If they have not arrived, don’t worry. They will probably be delivered to you shortly, and you can focus on the other things that need to be done.

2. Take some photos (before you start unpacking)

nice cabin cruise ship
Photo taken as soon as we entered the cabin

As soon as you enter the cabin, it is also a good time to take pictures or make a nice video.

They’ll be great to share with family and friends or post on social media.

I recommend doing them right away for one simple reason: as soon as you start unpacking and arranging your things, it will start to get messy, and the cabin will no longer look as tidy as you found it.

3. Check the bed configuration

 Sofa Bed on MSC

Next, check the beds and their configuration. Is that the one you requested?

Cruise ship beds can usually be configured as two singles or a double, and your cabin steward will handle any changes if needed.

Then, check the sleeping arrangements for the third and fourth person (if they are traveling with you).

Sometimes, extra beds are tucked away in the ceiling or hidden in a sofa and will only be set up at night.

4. Try the pillows

Pillows in the cabin

The other thing I always do, which I also recommend to you, is to check the pillows.

Touch them and try them to see if they are the right height and softness for you.
Pillows are very important for a good night’s sleep, and you don’t want to sleep poorly during your cruise.

If the pillow you find in your cabin is not right for you, you can contact your cabin steward. There are usually other types of pillows available for you to choose from.

Remember, they’re among the 10 things a cabin steward can always bring you for free on a cruise.

5. Check that everything is working

A socket on the lamp

As soon as you arrive, check that everything is working properly.

The lights, television, bathroom flush, and shower. Checking right away means that if something isn’t right, you can report it and get it fixed quickly.

In some cases, they might even move you to another fully functional cabin. And who knows? If there’s an issue, it doesn’t hurt to ask about a free upgrade!

6. Wipe some of the dirtiest things

cabin telephone
Cabin telephone

Although cruise ships are generally very clean, there are some things you need to be especially careful about.

According to some research, there are some things in hotel rooms and cruise cabins that are dirtier than others.

These include the remote control, the telephone, the light switches, and the drawer handles. If you want a thorough cleaning, you can go over these things with sanitizing wipes (remember to bring them).

7. Put your precious things in the safe

Safe in the closet

If you travel with jewelry, valuables, or lots of cash, remember to put it in the cabin safe right away.

It’s the only safe place where you can leave things without running the risk of them being stolen.

Usually, there’s a safe in every cabin, although sometimes it may be hidden.
If you can’t find it, look well in the closet or a drawer; that’s where they’re typically placed.

Safe in the drawer
Safe in the drawer

In addition, for safety reasons, remember that you should not bring too much cash. If you’re in doubt, check the article where we’ve seen the right amount of cash to bring on a cruise.

8. Unpack to avoid wrinkles 

Clothes placed in the closet

When your suitcases arrive, unpack your clothes right away to prevent wrinkles. Remember that irons are prohibited on cruise ships, so you won’t be able to use one.

For items that crease easily, like shirts or silk clothing, hang them up as soon as possible. You will find the hangers already in the closet.

Once you are done, you can put the suitcase under the bed to save space.

9. Check the balcony

balcony door cruise
Balcony of a cruise

Another thing I usually do, which I recommend, is to go and check the outside.

Open the balcony door and go outside to check the view, the cleanliness of the balcony, or if there is anything wrong.

Remember that if you paid for a regular cabin, you are entitled to a full view, while some cabins may have obstructed views.

The latter are generally cabins to avoid. You can find them in the articles on the cabins to avoid on Royal Caribbean and the cabins to avoid on Carnival ships.

10. Put things in the mini-fridge

Mini-fridge on a cruise
Mini-fridge on a cruise

Once you’ve taken care of everything else, there’s one last thing to do: put things in the mini-fridge.

Most cruise cabins have one, so you can keep your water bottle, snacks, or anything that needs to stay cool inside. It’s a small step that makes a big difference, especially on warm days!

Remember that the internal temperature can vary, something to consider if you have medications that need special cooling.

Some passengers like to place something to improve air circulation, helping the cooler reach lower temperatures.

Water bottle to improve air circulation

Bonus point

Assembly stations on Icon of the Seas
Assembly stations on Icon of the Seas

In addition to the previous things, one thing you need to do as soon as you are on the ship is to check where your muster station is.

On some ships, they’re also called assembly stations, and they’re basically some areas where you have to go if there is an emergency on board.

The location is usually written on your cruise card, and it’ll likely be written on the back of your cabin door as well.

In addition, remember to check the 10 Things You Must Never Do in a Cruise Cabin (Can Get You Banned).

Cruise Approved Power Strip

Essential if you have several electronic devices to charge!

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Cruise Chair Towel Bands

Essential for beach, pool, and chairs on ships.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
Cruise Lanyard for Ship Cards (with ID Holder)

I have tried several of them but these are the most durable and sturdy.

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