7 Cruise Safety Tips That Everyone Should Follow

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cruise security

Cruises are usually considered fairly safe types of vacations.

Serious accidents are quite rare, thanks in part to stringent safety regulations that require preventive measures and a high level of crew training for emergencies.

Even petty crimes such as theft, fights, or disorderly conduct are handled very effectively by a highly efficient security team that is always on board the ships.

Nevertheless, it is always wise to maintain a high level of vigilance when away from home. To avoid unpleasant situations, I recommend following these seven tips that will help keep you safe.

1. Buddy Up!

Cruise docked in port
Cruise docked in port

When you are on board the ship there are no particular problems, however, when you go down to visit a port it is always better to be in company.

This varies greatly depending on where you go, some ports may be safer while others may be less safe.

A while back I made a fairly comprehensive list of the least safe ones in the article on the worst cruise ship ports you can visit.

In case you visit one of those ports and you’re traveling solo, try to stay on main roads and in tourist areas, or try to make friends with other passengers and let someone know your plans if you venture out on your own.

2. Be Cautious with Balcony

balcony door cruise
Balcony and balcony door

A cabin with a balcony offers stunning views, but it’s essential to be careful.

The railing is usually quite high so there are no particular problems, but still remember to avoid climbing on chairs or tables while on the balcony.

In addition, remember to keep an eye on children when they are on the balcony.

Once you go back to the room remember to lock your balcony door

It’s a good thing for security but also, as I said in the article on the 10 things you must never do in a cruise cabin, on many ships, the air conditioning automatically turns off if you don’t close the door properly.

3. Don’t Overdo It with Alcohol

drinks on a cruise
Drinks on MSC

Many cruise passengers decide to purchase the package with unlimited drinks. I know, you are on vacation and want to have the best time but remember not to overdo it!

If you are drunk, bartenders may decide to stop serving alcohol and may ask you to return to your cabin.

In addition, if you cause disturbance to other passengers and put the safety of the ship at risk you may be banned by the cruise line and ordered to disembark at the first available port.

4. Use Your Cabin Safe

safe in the drawer
Safe in the drawer

Each cabin has a safe, you just have to be good at finding it.

As I mentioned in the article on hidden items that can be found in a cabin, sometimes the safe can also be located in one of the desk or closet drawers.

Remember to use the safe as soon as you arrive on the ship. Store most of your cash and a spare credit card to use in case of emergency.

Again for security reasons, don’t bring too much cash, I explained how to calculate the right amount in this article.

5. Follow Ship Rules and Regulations

Confiscated items
Confiscated items

On cruise ships, thousands of people have to live together in harmony, so it is normal to have rules and regulations.

Aside from the usual manners remember that there are prohibited items that you cannot bring on board, restricted areas where you can’t enter, and specific rules to follow in case of emergency.

To understand what rules many people do not follow check the 10 things cruise passengers do but everyone hates.

6. Purchase Travel Insurance

Cruise medical center
Cruise medical center

One very important aspect of staying safe on a cruise trip is definitely related to purchasing travel insurance.

Insurance is critical during cruise travel because you usually visit many different states, each with varying health rules.

In the event of medical emergencies or cancellations, having travel insurance ensures you’re not left with enormous bills, since standard health insurance policies usually don’t cover medical care outside your home country.

There are specific insurances for cruise travel, they can be offered directly by the cruise lines or through other companies. In my opinion, travel insurance is among the 7 cruise ship extras that are totally worth the money.

7. Stay Hydrated and Use Sunscreen

Drink by the pool on a cruise
Drink by the pool on a cruise

One of the most beautiful aspects of cruises is the ability to enjoy the pool and the sea for most of the day.

However, remember that is important to protect yourself from excessive heat and sun by using sunscreen and staying well hydrated.

Sunscreen is among the things you should always have in your carry-on bag, while to stay hydrated you can have one of the 10 drinks that are always free on a cruise.

Cruise Approved Power Strip

Essential if you have several electronic devices to charge!

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Cruise Chair Towel Bands

Essential for beach, pool, and chairs on ships.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
Cruise Lanyard for Ship Cards (with ID Holder)

I have tried several of them but these are the most durable and sturdy.

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